Synopsis: BLOWIN’ UP is a "comedic reality" series for the MTV Network, following actor Jamie Kennedy (The Jamie Kennedy Experiment, Malibu’s Most Wanted) as he attempts to achieve his lifelong dream of becoming a rapper. As Kennedy tries to launch his rap career, against the wishes of his agents, managers and parents, he is joined by sidekick Stu Stone. Together, the pair struggle for respect, resent each other, totally ignore common sense, and find out that while rappers have no problem breaking into acting, it isn’t so simple the other way around. BLOWIN’ UP is driven by the duo’s original music, which they write, record, perform, and hope to release as a quadruple triple platinum album.
DVD Features include:
Available Audio Tracks:
English (Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo)
Commentary by:
Jamie Kennedy, Stu Stone, producer George VerschoorDolby Digital 2.0