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woody | new brunswick nj new jersey | Male | 05/04/80 | Heterosexual
Dirty X Jersey.
Living in a ghetto that i love called New Brunswick.
Being Vulgar.
Boarding. I win.
Hang Yourself W/ your Scarf.
End Yourself.
I'll kill your boyfriend.
woodydrake@aol.com | AIM: woodydrake

billy_bLank | in lower NY but not quite as low as NYC | Male | 04/07/81 | Heterosexual
Set myself on fire,
smoking like a chimney in
summer heat,

Gripping the wire, hold
on for dear life I'm
losing balance in my

Such a short distance to
fall, too far for me to
reach the ground,

Nails scraping down on
the wall, wrapping
round the wires bound.

A bloodied mess
careening through the
air with a smile on his

He is just a sacrifice so
happiness can reclaim
its rightful place.

Arms back to his ears,
plunging faster toward
that endless down,

Cracked teeth sneers ,
just an emptiness that
makes him frown.

///// about /////
name : brian
height : 5'8"
weight : 135lbs

///// interests/////
ap skinning
-perpetual thought
Sir Walter
-the theory of relativity (no not really)
-model kits of robotic things

///// gapes his jaw to the floor for //////
-red heads
-green eyes
-eloquence with words
-girls in glasses
-long legs
-sense of humour
-impecable wit

///// points a gun at /////
-holier than thou attitudes
-conceited individuals
-trendpop society
-blind hatred
-his teeth

if i were invincible i would run head on at trains, jump up and down on landmines, and get into bitch fights with silverback gorillas for fun.
jabberwockysinn@aol.com | AIM: trappedbeneath

Gard | NYC | Male | 12/04/78 | Heterosexual
punk rock, 80's, guitar, bass, keys, mountain biking, bein' outdoors, cheese...

i'm moving to sanfran on july 1st.
griffinpunk@hotmail.com | AIM: griffinpunk

RORASAURUS | Westchester County, New York | Male | 01/03/81 | Heterosexual
Get Fucked!
xkidkillx@aol.com | Website | AIM: Rcrumm7156

evilrobba | Orange County, CA | Male | 12/15/76 | Heterosexual
I am more truly imagined than expressed,
and I exist more truly than I am imagined.
evilrobba@hotmail.com | AIM: evilrobba

xPAINTITBLACKx | Tennessee | Male | 08/25/82 | Heterosexual
christopher, 20, male, sXe, buddhism, taoism, TAKEN. sorry but if you want to i/m me, im only out to make friends, nothing more. :)

i like stuff: The Red Chord, A Clockwork Orange, Emperor, Beck, guaged ears, Eighteen Visions, Cast >From Eden, my girlfriend Taylor <3, Dead To Fall, glam rock, Tool, vinyl, Stanley Kubrick, Danny Carey, Flaming Lips, pit dancing, hair styling, Flamin Groovies, cock rock, The Locust, pea coats, Knoxville, Nashville, Pink Floyd, mod culture, Alex Grey, tattoos, Timothy Leary, Donnie Darko, Bleeding Through, brit pop, London's late sixties, Johnny Depp, Alan Parsons Project, sad endings, Black Roses (the fucking movie/band), Syd Barrett, Across Five Aprils, ancient Egyptian culture, Amelie, nag-champa incense, Zoloft, Between The Buried And Me, Taoism, Undying, Buddism, scarves, Rolling Stones, I Ching, Black Dahlia Murders, Hunter S Thompson, Dio, bagels, The Faint, Hot Hot Heat, girl jeans, rocking the white belts, David Gilmour, all sorts of random shit.

i dont like: mall metal, nu-metal, mall-core, whatever you want to call it. oh and i hate drama, though it seems to follow me like a shadow.

oh well...ask me whats up, i'll tell you.
dinkyd@peoplepc.com | Website | AIM: longXOXOgone

El_Bandito | San Francisco | Male | 05/14/78 | Heterosexual
i like girls... and music... and art... so message me....
antgash@hotmail.com | Website | AIM: antgash248

thecorey | atlanta,ga | Male | 12/31/78 | Heterosexual
FC4L! or at least for a while...
thekori@hotmail.com | AIM: sxetilltwentyone

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