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Avery | New York, New York | Male | 01/26/75 | Heterosexual
Ready when you are! Live life like it's your last
avery1975@hotmail.com | AIM: avery1101

thebenreilly | atlanta, georgia | Male | 09/10/81 | Heterosexual
love come follow me around. i don't want to know you now, but that may not last forever. it's never or now....
thebenreilly@mac.com | Website | AIM: xbenreillyx

thunderchunky70 | pittsburgh, pa, usa | Male | 12/10/82 | Heterosexual
I hate nihilists

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
"'Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door-
Only this, and nothing more."

Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December,
And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.
Eagerly I wished the morrow;- vainly I had sought to borrow
From my books surcease of sorrow- sorrow for the lost Lenore-
For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore-
Nameless here for evermore.

I have 7 tattoos

I hate trends
I hate posers
I hate those damn plastic wrappers on cd's
I hate pop music

I love life
I love hardcore
I love my tats
I love my friends

I hate people who go into tattoo parlors and get the first "cool" thing they see

I love E.A. Poe

I like ozzy
I like food
I like cars
I like dogs

And I am the biggest Mushroomhead fan you will ever find...the best band ever. And if ya don't like em then fuck off.

thats me, if you want to know more, just ask me...im not rude to anyone

Have a nice day
jmbaer70@yahoo.com | AIM: jmbaer70

lord_funky_biscuit | Melbourne, Australia | Male | 02/06/81 | Heterosexual
Just bored and felt like airing out my boxers on the net.
bob_from_melbourne@hotmail.com | AIM: lordfunkybiscuit

Heavens_Fall | Pittsburgh, PA | Male | Heterosexual
Success is measured by how much money you make or how much money you have the potential to make. This I don't believe, I believe you make a living by what you get, but you make a life by what you give.
I don't care for money its just a necessary evil that I have to live with in order to survive in this day and age and I only care that I have enough to get by and have a little fun with. Besides its only money, it's made to be spent and I will always get more so why is everyone so fucking greedy?

"If people are good only because they fear punishment and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed."


First off this is me and if you don't like it fuck you! I like to get drunk and eat meat, I'm not edge I'm not core I'm just me. fuck your rules and your harder core than thou bullshit. I put my pants on the same way as you do, I make my life the way I want it. I don't care nor do I need anyone's approval. and you know what, "fuck you!!!"

Especially all you fucking cheating ass, coke snorting sluts out there that will spread your legs for just about anyone!
There are little words called integrity, honor, and virtue. Maybe you should look it the fuck up sometime you fucking cunts. Try to live your life without walking all over other people and selling your soul for once you fucks!

Now that thats out of the way I a man of my word and I only ask others for the same. I try to make sense of this senseless world and I try to put logic into and illogical society, I believe that man kind is all things evil and all things good at the same time for all time. The only problem is all I happen to see and feel is evil all around me, people trying to take advantage of one another everyday.
so much shit has happened to me in this life and I try my hardest not to add to the ever growing sickness of this twisted fucking society.
I find it funny and sickening at the same time to see people that want to be so intensely involved in one another daily lives, are at the same time hell bent and destroying one another.

I herd a quote once that hit really hard
"If it is something that you can hold in your hands, it's something that can be taken away from you"

I live with this ethic every day

So if you wanna find out about me all you have to do is ask. Sorry I do not except racist, elitist, or girls under age, and I will not friend you unless you send a message telling me why you want to friend me and how you found me. if not, please move the fuck on.

Oh I do have a Mspace check it
disposablehero_@hotmail.com | Website | AIM: neglectedscreams

street_of_stumps | the san francisco mission district | Male | 05/23/75 | Homosexual
a snowy no-place
called home with
a population of
minus one grizzly
bear and writing
ralowe@ralowescrappymusic.com | Website | AIM: anothernumber999

blacbloc77 | Orlando, FL | Male | Heterosexual
kiss me


blacbloc@yahoo.com | AIM: blacbloc77

jordan_shmordan | Dallas, Texas | Male | 10/02/84 | Heterosexual
I'm just a boy who likes films, photography, books, music and other artsy crap.

I'm sorri you had to see this picture. I look better clothed- but it's still not all that great.

If you want to know more about me- stop by my xanga and leave me a message, because I know all you "scene kids" have them too.
brandnewjordan@yahoo.com | Website | AIM: Beautiful Tautou

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